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추천 면접 취업 자소서 NCS

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네이버 전문자료 (53,630건) NAVER OpenAPI

Psychology, Psychiatry, Prevalence of mental disorders, National Comorbidity Survey, Mood disorders, Mood, Cross-sectional study, Co
Maximum-likelihood X-ray macromolecular structure refinement in BUSTER has been extended with restraints facilitating the exploitation
CONTEXT Uncertainties exist about prevalence and correlates of major depressive disorder (MDD). OBJECTIVE To present nationally repres
Abstract 10.1002/mpr.166.abs The National Comorbidity Survey Replication (NCS‐R) is a new nationally representative community househ
Objective Mental health policy for youth has been constrained by a paucity of nationally representative data concerning patterns
Graphical abstract [Display omitted] CNTs/Zn:ZnO@Ni2P-NCs, Azure B adsorption, Response surface methodology, Kinetic and equilibrium,
Abstract 10.1002/mpr.167.abs The National Comorbidity Survey Replication (NCS‐R) is a survey of the prevalence and correlates of men
BACKGROUND Research on the structure of co-morbidity among common mental disorders has largely focused on current prevalence rather th
Graphical abstract [Display omitted] Metal-organic framework, g-C3N4@Ti-MIL125-NH2 NCs, Sonochemistry, 4-Nitrophenol, Photocatalytic
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