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네이버 전문자료 (5,220건) NAVER OpenAPI

Epidemiologic Characteristics of Diabetes Mellitus in Korea: Current Status of Diabetic Patients Using Korean Health Insurance Database
Screening the Claims for Sustainable Fee-For-Service Health Insurance through Health Insurance Review & Assessment Service 국민건강
Strategy for Linking Data between the Health Insurance Review & Assessment Service and the Ministry of Food and Drug Safety Using the I
Risk Factors for Falls or Fractures in Stroke Patients: An Analysis of 2020 Patient Sample Data
The association between cancer and dermatomyositis/polymyositis in Korea : based on health insurance review & assessment service (HIRA)
Impact of Price Control on Drug Expenditure and Factors Associated with the Drug Switch among Statins: Analysis of HIRA-NPS Data Backgr
Incidence & Prevalence of Hyperthyroidism and Preference for Therapeutic Modalities in Korea Background and Objectives: The incidence a
Analysis of Hemodialysis Therapy Variation Associated with Periodic Hemodialysis Quality Assessment by Government in Korea Variation
표제지 국문초록 목차 제1장 서론 8 제2장 연구 방법 13 1. 연구 윤리 13 2. 연구 대상 추출 13 3. 암 발
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