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The Private Employees'Free Speech -with special Reference to the Theories and Cases of the United States [목차]=153,157,1 I. 머리
기업구조조정에 대한 생존자의 인식과 조직 신뢰-공기업과 사기업의 비교연구- 목차 기업구조조정에
A study on the differential influences of factors affecting cost stickiness between state-owned and private enterprises in China 표
Research to Decrease Turnover Intention of Private and Public Sector Employees in Korean and Bangladesh 본 연구의 목적은 한국
Analysis of Structural Relationships among YouTube Travel Contents Characteristics, Corporate Image, Trust, and Customer Behavior Inten
Differentiating Characteristics between Public and Private Enterprises Focused on Stakeholder Capitalism 본 연구는 이해관계자
Differentiating Characteristics between Public and Private Enterprises Focused on Stakeholder Capitalism 본 연구는 이해관계자
The Interaction between Perceived Quality and Corporate Social Responsibility: A Difference between Public Entities and Private Enterpr
Innovation-related Behavioral Patterns of Chinese Firms 개혁개방 후 중국은 풍부한 저임 노동력에 기초한 비교우위
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