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A Study on the conceptualization of disability identity 본 연구는 장애 정체성에 관한 개념화를 시도하는 연구이다
The Best Interests of the Child and Visitation Rights 목차 자녀의 최선의 이익과 면접교섭권 / 金水晶 1 I. 서론 1
Analysis of Resilience Factors in Multi-Cultural Families Using Depth Interviews 목차 심층면접을 통한 다문화가족의 레
A study on the intake process and screening procedures of Korean university counseling centers 본 연구는 한국 대학상담센터
The Identity of the Employment-oriented Genre and the Design of Self-introduction Writing and Interview 이 논문은 취업목적 장
The Analysis of University Students’ Education Needs Regarding Employment Competency: Focusing on Career Management Activities, Inter
Design and Implementation of Computer Engineering Technical Interview Support System 최근 개발자 채용 과정에서 컴퓨터 공
Design and Implementation of Computer Engineering Technical Interview Support System 최근 개발자 채용 과정에서 컴퓨터 공
A Case Study on Fathers’ School Involvement Through the Use of Focus Group Interviews Parents are one of the principal agents of educ
Effect of the Convergent Mock Interview Program on the Program Demand, Career Attitude Maturity, Job Preparation Stress 본 연구는
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