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A study on the satisfaction of Health Examination for National Health Insurance service -Target of medical examinee in Busan- 이 연
Smoking cessation services provided by the National Health Insurance Service Smoking cessation services are an important component of p
The Prevalence and Features of Korean Gout Patients Using the National Health Insurance Corporation Database OBJECTIVE: We wanted to ev
The Prevalence and Incidence of Parkinson′s Disease in South Korea: A 10-Year Nationwide Population–Based Study Background: The pre
대법원 2019. 4. 23. 선고 2015다231504 판결(대상판결)은 국민건강보험가입자인 피해자가 가지는 일실수입
A Study on the excess money of self-payment limit of the National Health Insurance Corporation in terms of law -Supreme Court 2024. 1.
Introducing big data analysis using data from National Health Insurance Service Among the different providers of health care big data i
Chronic Diseases, Health Behaviors, and Mortality in Persons with Disabilities: An Analysis of the National Health Insurance Service-He
Nationwide Survey on the Prevalence of Allergic Diseases according to Region and Age Purpose: It is widely known that allergic diseases
Improvement methods for addressing issues in National Health Insurance Corporation’s investigation authority Background: Several bill
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